The words you'll never bear a child were ringing in her ears
As clear as crystal the victory came after many empty years
The joy she brought was soon short lived
when daddy did the unspeakable
A twisted mind was all he left
as a legacy of his evil
(Mama's baby girl)
As she grew her pain was clear and mama's heart was breaking
No matter what mama did her mind would not stop aching
Love and trust were mixed with pain now she cannot function
All the prayers that mama prayed were answered with destruction
Well meaning onlooker's they criticized and judged
Clinging tightly to the truth, mama never budged
baby turned into a girl and ran away from love
Pain is love she hurt herself, sex and drugs
(Mama's baby girl)
Mamma's pain was felt in court her baby was in chains
Mama knew that daddy's hands have baby's bloody stains
Now just sixteen she wants to change and live her life a new
How horrible for us to know HIV will steal that too
Eighteen and married for life may be cut off
Manic and depressive, schizophrenic baby's lost
The anger inside baby has never gone away
This is mama's nightmare every single day
(Mama's baby girl)
Baby say's she loves her
But say's she hates her too
for love is hate and hate is love
Look what daddy's done to you
Mamma's baby girl your so beautiful today
an answer to my prayers I'll love you always
I cry for you, I die for you, for each and every pain
Your mama's baby girl let me hold you once again
The words you'll never bear a child were ringing in her ears