If you were a woman how would you feel
Would you always be calm and collected
Do you think for a minute that you wouldn't cry
Would your intuition be keenly perfected
All of you hormones would always be balanced
You would control your every word and deed
Nothing anyone would say or do
Would ever make you crass or mean
I know you would bow to every ones whims
Perfectly caring and giving
Wash, cook, and clean and all in between
Include nine to five, you'll love living
Your hair would shine, no gray to be seen
No worry lines on your face
Your skin never sags, no circles or bags
The perfect reflection of grace
Your figure is youthful all of your days
No foul thing would you utter
Of course you don't want to live your own life
You'd bow to the fact "men are better"
You know that you are not equal
that you just should shut up
So just act like a robot
Have babies and cater and such
Your intelligence is above average
Your intuition high on the scale
What if your man wouldn't listen W
ould you be so wonderful still
You'll wonder where your money's going
You'll work, but there's nothing for you
You have no time to spend on yourself
Your a woman, put up with this too